Strukturaufklärung in der Molekularen Anorganischen Chemie

The course is held in German at Uni-Bielefeld in WiSe 2024/2025. Supporting materials (see below) may be changed or added as the course progresses.
Einführung (PDF, 5.9 MiB)
Symmetrie (PDF, 11 MiB)
Tetraeder für Chiralität testen (PDF, 0.3 MiB)
Infrarotspektroskopie (PDF, 4.4 MiB)
CFClBr-CH2-OH MD (MP4, 3.1 MiB)
H2O A1 ν1 (MP4, 0.3 MiB)
H2O A1 ν2 (MP4, 0.3 MiB)
H2O B2 ν3 (MP4, 0.3 MiB)
C2H6 A1u ν1 (MP4, 0.1 MiB)
NH3 A1 ν1 (MP4, 0.1 MiB)
1,2-(SH)2-closo-1,2-C2B10H10 B ν4 (GIF, 2.1 MiB)
1,2-(SH)2-closo-1,2-C2B10H10 MD (MP4, 2.1 MiB)
C6H14 Au ν1 (GIF, 0.9 MiB)
C6H14 Ag ν8 (GIF, 0.9 MiB)
C6H14 Au ν12 (GIF, 0.9 MiB)
C6H14 Bu ν14 (GIF, 0.9 MiB)
C6H14 Au ν16 (GIF, 0.9 MiB)
C6H14 Ag ν17 (GIF, 0.9 MiB)
Raman-Spektroskopie (PDF, 5.1 MiB)
Der Hertz’sche Dipol (GIF, 1.9 MiB)
C2H4 Au (GIF, 1.4 MiB)
C3H7NOS ν(CO) (GIF, 0.8 MiB)
C3H7NOS ν(SH) (GIF, 0.8 MiB)
Hg2I2 ν1 (GIF, 0.7 MiB)
Hg2I2 ν3 (GIF, 0.7 MiB)
Hg2I2 ν5 (GIF, 0.7 MiB)
Hg2I2 ν6 (GIF, 0.7 MiB)
Hg2I2 ν7 (GIF, 0.7 MiB)
Mikrowellenspektroskopie (PDF, 2.5 MiB)
Rotations-Schwingunsspektroskopie (PDF, 4.8 MiB)
Elektronische Struktur (PDF, 4.7 MiB)
Diffraktion (PDF, 4.7 MiB)
Gasphasen-Elektronenbeugung (PDF, 4.6 MiB)
Röntgen- und Neutronendiffraktometrie (PDF, 8.9 MiB)
Strukturverfeinerung, Phasenabhängige Strukturen (PDF, 3.3 MiB)
UNEX-Input-Datei für AsP3-Verfeinerung (Text-Datei, 12 KiB)
Partially Bonded Molecules from the Solid State to the Stratosphere
Disulfuryl Dichloride ClSO2OSO2Cl: A Conformation and Polymorphism Chameleon
Phase-Dependence of Molecular Structures Arising from Weak London Dispersion Interactions
Decamethylsilicocene — The first stable silicon(II) compound: Synthesis, structure, and bonding
Kernresonanz-Spektroskopie (PDF, 3.7 MiB)
Elektronenspinresonanz-Spektroskopie (PDF, 4.0 MiB)
Massenspektrometrie (PDF, 8.2 MiB)
Kontrollfragen (PDF, 0.3 MiB)